Blogmas day 22 - the dreaded shop

Today was the day of the dreaded food shop. Not what you want to do after you have been at work all day, but has to be done. 

 I needed to be comfy while going round the shops so I thought I would bust out my Christmas jumper.
My Christmas jumper is from Asda last year. It has sequins on the stag and on the cuffs of the jumper. My jeggings are from tesco. There so comfy, I had to pock up another pair as I was wearing them that much. I don't have anything on my feet but I knew I would be wearing my ugg boots.

2 hours later and my fridge, freezer and cupboards are full. I can finally relax and put my feet up with a cuppa. 

*applogies this is late, my posts are not publishing properly.



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