Blogmas Day 19 - Would You Rather Christmas Edition

Today I'm doing a Christmas tag that I read on Chan's beauty corner. I enjoyed reading hers and I thought it would be fun to do it too. Its a would you rather, but a Christmas edition. So if you want to know a little bit more about me and what I would rather have at Christmas time, then keep on reading....

Would You Rather....
Eat Brussel Sprouts or Cauliflower Cheese?
I don't like either of these to be honest, but I suppose anything smothered in cheese will be better than stinky brussel sprouts.

Have twinkling lights or still lights?
Twinkling lights are nice but if I can only have them one way I'd rather have them still.

Eat Gingerbread or Ferrero Rocher?
This is a hard one, as I love them both! Erm, I suppose Ferrero Rocher's I cant resist chocolate.

Open your presents with only immediate family or with all of your family members? 
With only immediate family.

Cook Christmas Dinner for the whole family or don't eat Christmas Dinner at all?
I've only cooked Christmas Dinner for me and Paul before and that went ok. I would definitely rather try and cook for the whole family than not have a Christmas dinner at all. 
Have a real Christmas Tree or a fake one?
Fake, I cant stand the pine needles dropping all over.
Use Blue, Yellow, White or Multi-coloured lights?
I love warm lights, so I suppose that would be yellow.

Eat Mince Pies or Christmas Pudding?
Eurgh! Again hate both of these. I would have to go with a mince pie, as there smaller and it would be over with quicker.

Wake up at 6am or 10am?
6am! I still get just as excited on Christmas morning even though I'm older. When I was a kid I was excited to open presents, now its mainly because I cant wait to see Paul's face when he opens his presents I got him and of course I'm still excited to open mine too.
Drink Champagne or Hot Chocolate?
Hot Chocolate, but it has to have marshmellows.
Eat Heroes or Roses?
Roses I think. Only because Heroes I kind of eat all year round in chocolate bar form, whereas Roses I only have at Christmas time. 
Get a Puppy or a Kitten for Christmas?

Watch ELF or Home Alone?
Elf, its my favourite Christmas film!
Wake up bright and early and get all the best Boxing Day sale goodies or stay warm and cosy in bed wearing your new Christmas Pyjamas?
I'll never get up early for a sale, I like me bed far too much. So it would have to be stay warm and cosy in bed wearing my new Christmas Pyjamas. 

Speaking of pyjamas, if you haven't got your new Christmas pj's yet check yesterday's Blogmas post out.

I would love to know what your would rather at Christmas, so why don't you complete this Christmas tag too and leave me a link to read it. The questions are below.... 

Eat Brussel Sprouts or Cauliflower Cheese?

Have twinkling lights or still lights?

Eat Gingerbread or Ferrero Rocher?

Open your presents with only immediate family or with all of your family members? 

Cook Christmas Dinner for the whole family or don't eat Christmas Dinner at all?

Have a real Christmas Tree or a fake one?

Use Blue, Yellow, White or Multi-coloured lights?

Eat Mince Pies or Christmas Pudding?

Wake up at 6am or 10am?

Drink Champagne or Hot Chocolate?

Eat Heroes or Roses?

Get a Puppy or a Kitten for Christmas?

Watch ELF or Home Alone?

Wake up bright and early and get all the best Boxing Day sale goodies or stay warm and cosy in bed wearing your new Christmas Pyjamas?


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